The Vienna Summer of Logic is organized by the Kurt Gödel Society at Vienna University of Technology.
Organization Committee
Vienna Summer of Logic |
Matthias Baaz
Vienna University of Technology
VSL Chair |
Thomas Eiter
Vienna University of Technology
VSL Co-Chair |
Helmut Veith
Vienna University of Technology
VSL Co-Chair |
Vesna Sabljakovic-Fritz
VSL Organization Chair |
Agata Ciabattoni
Vienna University of Technology
Georg Gottlob
Oxford University,
Vienna University of Technology |
Thomas Henzinger
IST Austria
Alexander Leitsch
Vienna University of Technology
Stefan Szeider
Vienna University of Technology
Organization Committee | |
Florian Aigner
Vienna University of Technology
Science Communications |
Harald Beck
Vienna University of Technology
Signposts |
Katinka Böhm
Vienna University of Technology
Poster Sessions |
Chris Fermüller
Vienna University of Technology
Cultural Program |
Konstantin Korovin
University of Manchester
Proceedings Co-Chair |
Laura Kovács
Chalmers University of Technology,
Vienna University of Technology |
Proceedings |
Oliver Lehmann
IST Austria, Austrian Association of Education and Science Journalists
Media and Public Affairs |
Nysret Musliu
Vienna University of Technology
Schedule |
Thomas Pani
Vienna University of Technology
Website and Social Media |
Anna Petukhova
Vienna University of Technology
Graphic Design |
Markus Pichlmair
Vienna University of Technology
Social Events |
Gernot Salzer
Vienna University of Technology
Venue |
Martina Seidl
Johannes Kepler University Linz
BSCW Platform |
Katarina Singer
Vienna University of Technology
Communications |
Daniel Weller
Vienna University of Technology
Volunteers |
Barbara Dolezal-Rainer
Vienna University of Technology
Sy David Friedman
University of Vienna
Ursula Gerber
IST Austria
Bernhard Gramlich †
Vienna University of Technology
Franziska Gusel
Vienna University of Technology
Elisabeth Hofmann
Vienna University of Technology
Jakob Kellner
University of Vienna
Toni Pisjak
Vienna University of Technology
Norbert Preining
Japanese Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Matthias Schlögel
Vienna University of Technology
Richard Zach
University of Calgary

Austrian Logicians – Matthias Baaz, Stefan Hetzl, Krishnendu Chatterjee, Alex Leitsch, Stefan Szeider, Georg Weissenbacher, Florian Zuleger, Thomas Eiter, Ekaterina Fokina, Roderick Bloem, Hans Tompits, Daniel Weller, Tom Henzinger, Sy David Friedman, Madgalena Ortiz, Michael Fink, Nysret Musliu, René Thiemann, Helmut Veith, Agata Ciabatton, Stefan Woltran (Photo by Philipp Horak)

Helmut Veith, Matthias Baaz, Thomas Eiter © Nadja Meister
Streams within the Vienna Summer of Logic:
Logic in Computer Science / FLoC · Mathematical Logic · Logic in Artificial Intelligence
Logic in Computer Science / FLoC |
Helmut Veith
Vienna University of Technology
Chair |
Matthias Baaz
Vienna University of Technology
Co-Chair |
Moshe Y. Vardi
Rice University
FLoC General Chair |
Stefan Szeider
Vienna University of Technology
Workshop Chair |
Azadeh Farzan
University of Toronto
Student Support Program |
Thomas Krennwallner
Vienna University of Technology
Olympic Games / Competition Chair |
Stefan Rümmele
Vienna University of Technology
Workshop Co-Chair |
Mathematical Logic |
Matthias Baaz
Vienna University of Technology
Chair |
Agata Ciabattoni
Vienna University of Technology
Co-Chair |
Stefan Hetzl
Vienna University of Technology
Co-Chair |
Logic in Artificial Intelligence |
Thomas Eiter
Vienna University of Technology
Chair |
Michael Fink
Vienna University of Technology
Co-Chair |
Stefan Woltran
Vienna University of Technology
Co-Chair |
The Kurt Gödel Society
The Kurt Gödel Society was founded in Vienna in 1987. It is an international organization aiming at the promotion of research in the areas of logic, philosophy, history of mathematics. The Society and its Executive Board members have organized numerous conferences, workshops and meetings over the past twenty-five years; among them: Logic Colloquium 2001, ESSLLI 2003, CSL 2003, Kurt Gödel Centenary-Horizons of Truth 2006, and Kurt Gödel Research Prize Fellowships Program 2008 and 2010.